Sunday 13 December 2015

Musicians in the making!

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We have been learning how to play a tuned musical instrument. It was a time to make sounds and learn about the names of the notes.  Aryan and Armaan are working out how to play Mary had a little lamb.

Monday 2 November 2015

The Iron Man

 We are reading the Iron Man. Today we  wrote our  scrap metal yard  poems describing the junk the Iron man would love to eat! 

Saturday 31 October 2015

Performing Percussion

 Performing as a group or a band means you have to know the sequence and your part.  We all thought this group did a great job using body percussion. I wonder what they will try next time! 

Sound effects using Body percussion

 When you listen to this performance it could easily be the sound effects for a  show or a story. What does it remind you of? What pictures does it create in your mind?  

Body Percussion Band

This group had a really different sequence and we found the patterns they made were very musical.  What other sounds could they have used?  Did they change the rhythm during their performance?

Our Body percussion Band

We had such an interesting time using our bodies to make music!   Each group had to come up with a sequence to perform to the rest of the class. What do you think of this band? 
We rated them very highly!! 

Monday 12 October 2015

Grace writes about the Powhiri

Today is a special day because we have a new principal coming to HPS.Then two beautiful girls led Ms Campbell to the hall.Then we sang the waiata.Ms Campbell felt very happy.We like our new principal because she is the best principal.Then they did the hongi and later  we sang the last song.


JD"s report of the Powhiri

Ms Campbell
It is an important day for Ms Campbell today.Two girls from
Waikowhai  Intermediate School  welcomed in Ms Campbell and her whanau.
Ms Campbell and her whanau  hongied some people from Hay Park and then they  transferred her to Hay Park.Some people had tears in their eyes.When I heard  Karangatia ra  I danced to the
song.I felt so excited!  


Welcome to Hay Park School's new Principal

Today is a very special day to do a powhiri for our new principal Ms Campbell.The two girls said some Maori words to bring our principal into this school.Ms Campbell is a beautiful person and she’s kind to HPS.We did a waiata for our new principal and she was very happy.

I feel that Ms Campbell will have a great time at HPS.


Wednesday 23 September 2015

Tuli explains a little more about Milk in schools!

When it is about 11 am Morris class has delicious cold milk to drink. We are so lucky to get it free and it is delivered to our school from Fonterra. Its very filling and gives people energy for a really active playtime!

The big Slurp

Today all around the world was the Big Slurp and people were celebrating being able to drink milk!  We decorated cow masks , then gathered in the hall to drink milk and moo together!!
Did you know that every day 170.000 children drink milk in school in New Zealand? Perhaps you are one of them!!

Let us know what you think of  the idea of having free milk in schools? Do you agree it is a great idea?

Geometric shapes by Aryan

Today we were learning about the difference between 2D shapes and 3D shapes. It was interesting to know that 2D shapes are used in the world around us and we can see them in many places!
I wonder if you can spot some around you.
What is your favourite 2D shape?  

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Cavemen (Digital Story)

A great example of our digital stories  which we made for the first time this week.
Go from this link to June's amazing Caveman story.... an original idea!
Cavemen Digital Story

Story Boards

Friday 18 September 2015

Measuring using centimetres

Last week we used our rulers to measure different coloured rods. It was really interesting. Then we had to use the rods to make certain lengths like 20 centimetres. We know that to measure accurately the item being measured needs to be on the first marking on the ruler which is set in a little bit.

We are now great rulers!! ( corny joke!!)

Making sandwiches

 This week we were learning about the food we eat and important knowledge for living well now and in the future. We learned that there are people who are food scientists and that their job is to make sure that the food we buy and grow is safe.  They test the food and the packaging as well so we are well looked after.
We also learned that bakeries and restaurants get ratings. Check them out .... you will be safe eating food if there is an A or B rating. It's your choice!

We made sandwiches on delicious multi grain bread. We used a scraping of  olive oil spread and then we could choose from  cheese, lettuce, pickles, avocado and tomato. We loved the freshness of the taste!

Wednesday 2 September 2015

More about Touch Rugby

                        Touch  rugby
Today  Morris class  had  fun. We   went  on   the    court   for   a    warm  up   because  we   are  learning  to  play   touch   rugby.

Today   we   played   touch  rugby   with   the   ball   on   the   field.Next  we   played    games     like    zigzagging and   passing  to people.

We  made boys  teams  and   girls    teams  on  the  field    so    we  could organise the game. On  the  field  we played    touch   rugby    with    two    teams.

I    loved    touch  rugby     because    we   ran   to     chase     people.

by Hadiya

Touch Rugby coaching

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Today Morris class had touch rugby.Our coach is Trevor.Morris class tried their best.Touch rugby is very cool.Some times the game is fun.It is very hard.
By Grace

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Principal's Award for Writing

Fire Drill

Fire! Fire!
  First you hear a long bell.Next you line up quickly and you go outside to the courts and sit down in two lines.Then the teacher calls the roll and when the teacher says your name you answer clearly.


Sunday 16 August 2015


Maths week 2015 was  amazing.... there were problems to solve each day and  lots of students had fun trying to work them out.  In class there were different things to do  usch as tangrams and puzzles like moving matches...... tricky!!

Monday 29 June 2015

Goodbye Mrs Aikman from Lyu

Goodbye Mrs Aikman from JD

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JD from Morris Class I have been writing about Mrs Aikman for her farewell. I would like to read my farewell message aloud as my way of saying goodbye Mrs Aikman.

Our thinking gardens

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This is our thinking garden with our own created sculptures. Wouldn't you love to sit here in the sun?

Goodby Mrs Aikman from Simon

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Simon- Morris Class We have been drawing and writing about Mrs Aikman for her farewell this week. I feel sad about her leaving, because she does nice things for us, like helping us with our learning and giving us information.

Sunday 7 June 2015

 Hockey with Mr Bryan 

At hockey today we learned zig zagging and it was fun.Then we did a challenge and it was crazy fun.At hockey we learned how to dribble the ball and  it was a bit hard. Also we turned the stick  to make it easy to turn around the cone.Mandita

First of all  we learned how to zig  zag to  the   cone  and we were turning the   hockey  stick up and down  so we could be more skilful.

Sunday 24 May 2015

JD"s report on our ANZAC service

                                                    ANZAC SERVICE

In Hay Park School we had an ANZAC service  and we said the ode and it was like this.
They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old,
age shall not weary them nor the years condemn
at the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them.

Then the councillors  put down the wreaths at  the flagpole. All classes did.After that we all stood  still and heard the trumpet play.Then we heard the last post. play.

Saturday 23 May 2015

ANZAC 2015

Field of Remembrance 

 The crosses outside our staffroom were our field of remembrance. Each cross had the name of a soldier from our area, Mt Roskill. We read the names and thought about how brave they were and how they wanted to protect what is precious to us all. 

We had a wonderful ANZAC ceremony as a whole school. We learned the  ode  and our class was proud to be able to join in with the senior school to say it clearly on the special day of remembering.
It was especially important for us this year because it was one hundred years since our soldiers went to Gallipoli. 

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Its great to be a councillor because you can share all your ideas with the other councillors.Mrs  
Galloway  always runs the meeting. She tries hard to set things up. We always have a meeting on the second Monday.There are 12 councillors and two from each class.

Paris and I are the councillors for Morris class because we got the most votes. It feels good because we can share all our classes ideas that they thought of.  

Even if it is our first time being a councillor we are not shy, we are brave because we can believe in ourselves!


Mrs Galloway  always talks to us about Green tickets and prizes. She often  talks to us about   the numbers of the tickets because we are going to change the numbers you need for the prizes. It is very hard to win the prizes but  people will have tried hard to get to the high level. You have to have two or three people in your class to win 150 tickets and then you get to go on a trip with your friends.

  i feel happy and excited and proud of myself because I am Hay Park’s school councillor  I think it is a big responsibility


Saturday 21 March 2015

Taking a line for a walk.

Thursday Week 7 Term 1
Today Ms Botica showed us how to take a line for a walk.   We did  it as art for exercise.Then we coloured in our line with rainbow colours. Last of all, we put it our line on black framed  paper.


Saturday 14 February 2015

Our library is a beautiful new place!

Our first visit to the new library was on Friday. We learned  where the picture books are shelved , the fiction and non fiction. Morris class love reading and we all found books to browse through and to enjoy.  The library is also open in the lunch break so we can choose to go and read some days. We found out the the new space near the library is called the Maker Space, and so we decided we would name the area we were seated in, the Blue relaxing reading space!   We love our new library! 

Gymnastics have begun!

Sunday 8 February 2015

Welcome to Morris Class 2015

  Its the beginning of  a new year and we are excited to be members of Morris class!! We are a Year 3 class with amazing learning ahead of us.

 We are focussed on learning  and that means we will be asking questions, thinking and finding information from many different sources!!  

Mrs Rai is the teacher of Morris class but in Term 1 and Term 2 we also are delighted to have Mrs Giles.   Our classroom is filling up with our work and the sight that greets us as we come in the door is the   taniwha with our class values and agreements places around.  We learned how to blend colours when we  used pastels on the koru scales. Doesn't it look amazing?